Okay, at first I wasn't quite sure how I felt about them, but now I am LOVE LOVE LOOOOVING the idea of feather hair extensions with a capital "L". There's just something so boho and ethereal about them!
They add just a touch of whimsy to normally dull strands and let's face it - they just look plain AWESOME! I have been recently daydreaming about strutting down the NYC streets, my long mane (equipped with feather extensions obviiiiiously) blowing in the wind behind me. Okay, well maybe not quite THAT cinematically of course, but you all get the idea and if not, indulge me please.
I've recently seen these in editorial spreads, blogs and on celebs and musicians (Ke$ha, I'm looking at you!). At first I'll admit I was a bit skept, but I have to admit I'm warming up to this trend at a record pace.
From what I have gathered from my research, there are many salons here in NYC who will add these extensions to your tresses although I have also seen a variety of kits online and "How-To" videos on Youtube. I have to say I'm sort of crushing on this look hardcore.
The other great thing about these extensions (aside from the fact that they are FABULOUS) is that they can last up to six weeks and can washed, dyed and even curled just as if it were part of your existing hair. Not to mention it's a sexy and subtle way to rock out a hint of color this Summer! How do you feel about the hair feather trend? Thoughts?